Monday, September 16, 2013


It hits you hard sometimes, doesn't it?  With its twists, turns and unforeseen nightmares that come screaming at your door begging for entry apparently out of nowhere, LIFE GETS HEAVY.  Occasionally, these horrors push their way in, menacing and unkind.  Without regard that you're making dinner or mopping the floor, there they stand staring at you in the face.  Things you can't ward off with garlic or Vic's Vapo Rub, like tumors and accidents and heartbreak now present at an uncomfortable proximity.  

Yeah, at times, life hits you square in the jaw and there's nothing you can do but take it.  Asking "why" is beside the point - it's like questioning why babies cry or why grass is green...

Does it end here, though?  What about the blue-haired lady who drives the Mini Cooper who always smiles and has a kind word for you, or the man at the gym who composes a poem for you right in the middle of your stretch, leaving your heart open wide, eyes glistening with tears?  What about  museums, warm laundry, Chinese food?

These, I believe, are some of the reasons I stick around - because as bad as evil is, good is better.  So yeah, my heart aches, people kill each other and the world is going to pot - but "I know the Lord is always with me.  I will not be shaken for he is right beside me."  Psalm 16:8

 And so it is.

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